• 学费和杂费

    $500 per credit hour

    $1,500 per course

    $18,000 for the entire program

    $150 fee per semester (for example, if a student completes in 12 months, the student attends 3 semesters so it would add $450.00 to the overall cost of the program)

    学生 are responsible for travel and lodging for residencies. The fee will cover meals, venue, materials, stipends, etc.

  • 住院医生实习期


    Orientation and Networking (ON) 住院医生实习期

    首先是定向和网络(ON)驻留,这是一个为期两天半的现场驻留,在周四举行, 星期五, and Saturday prior to the start of each semester (Fall, 春天, 和夏天).  This residency is not worth credit hours, 但它仍然是学员在EMBA课程中取得成功的重要因素.  新入学的EMBA学生预计将在第一学期开始参加安森美驻院课程,并欢迎他们加入我们的其他安森美驻院课程,以继续建立和培养与学生和教授的关系.


    Networking and Collaboration: Build professional relationships and networks with peers, 教师, 专业人士, and experts in the field through collaborative project, 研讨会, 研讨会, and networking events.

    Reflective Practice:对个人和职业发展进行自我反思和评估, 学习目标, 挑战, and areas for improvement throughout the residency experience.

    Adaptability and Resilience: Learn to adapts to changing circumstanced, 环境, 面对挫折和障碍,挑战和发展韧性.

    Examples of Possible Topics Covered in Workshops, Events, etc.
    • Orientation to WVWC 教师 and classmates
    • Graduate school writing skills, 研究 tips, program expectations
    • Student expectations
    • WVWC Resources and How to Use Them (i.e.图书馆等。.)
    • 为在加拿大28网址院工作的专业人士制定时间管理策略
    • Core Course Introductions
    • Current business trends and 挑战
    • Industry insights and innovations
    • Global business strategies
    • Effective communication in the corporate world
    Capstone 住院医生实习期

    顶点驻留是在BUSI-700商业战略课程的最后一周举行的为期两天半的现场驻留.  这个顶级MBA课程旨在整合商业的功能领域:会计, 金融, 管理, 和市场营销. Patterned after the method of the Harvard Business School, this case-oriented course draws on readings, 组分析, 书面报告, panel discussions, and oral presentations. Attendance is required and part of the grade for BUSI-700.

    During this residency, students will engage with their peers, 教师, and special guests to finalize their EMBA requirements.  In addition to activities and events such as 研讨会, 研讨会, guest presentations, 和更多的, students will also present their capstone project.


    The $150 fee collected each semester is used to fund residencies. 活动/活动的场地和材料以及餐饮将由WVWC MBA项目提供.  学生负责往返住宿的交通以及住宿期间的住宿

  • Credit Hours and Courses

    行政工商管理硕士课程包括12门课程,共36个学分. 学生可以在短短12个月内完成课程,也可以通过一次学习较少的课程,以较慢的速度将课程延长18至24个月.

    所有学生都必须修八门核心课程,涵盖数据分析等基本商业概念, 经济学, 金融, 会计, 道德, 管理, 和市场营销. 顶点课程将所有功能领域整合为一个组织的全面战略计划.

    剩下的四门课程允许学生通过选择四门课程中的一门来专攻某一学科:领导力, Healthcare Administration, Nonprofit Management, or Human Resource Management. 学生也可以从各种选修课程中进行选择,以获得更广泛、更普遍的标准MBA学位. 提供的选修课组成的浓度或标准MBA选项包括以下内容:

    • Organization Behavior
    • Organizational 领导
    • Leading Teams and Individuals
    • 主要变化
    • Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations
    • 领导 and Planning in Healthcare Organizations
    • Human Resource Management
    • 劳动经济学
    • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
    • Project Management
    • Management for Nonprofits

西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院EMBA (EMBA)课程是专门为那些渴望提升自己的职业生涯,同时继续在目前的角色中脱颖而出的专业人士量身定制的. 该项目旨在提供一个全面而灵活的学习体验,使参与者能够提高他们的领导技能, expand their business acumen, 在不打断他们的职业承诺的情况下,培养他们的全球视野.

  • Online Program with Limited Residencies
  • 500 dollars per credit hour
  • No GPA Requirement for Entry
  • Designed to be Flexible, Dynamic, and Affordable
  • Application Requirements

    Application Requirements

    • 所有学校的正式成绩单(本科学位证明)
    • 工作要求:至少2年全职工作经验
    • 当前的简历
    • 2 Recommendations – 1 required to be work related
    • Statement of Intent (Writing Sample)
    • No GPA requirement


  • 认识我们的教师

    Full-time 教师 include:

    • 金·康拉德,DBA, MS IMC:市场营销助理教授(市场营销,非营利资助)
    • 特蕾西·多德森,教育学博士,硕士:商学院教授(管理、人力资源、凯普斯通)
    • 凯利·特休恩,工商管理硕士和硕士:商业助理教授(经济学)

    Adjunct 教师 include:

    • 贾斯汀•鲍尔斯, 摄政大学商业与全球领导力学院组织领导力博士学位.  Master of Arts in Transformational 领导 from Bethel Seminary.  20 years of church and non-profit leadership.
    • 杰夫·哈维, DEL (Doctorate of Executive 领导), MS Strategic 领导, multiple professional certifications (CEM, PCP) 25 years of experience in leadership, 创业, 管理, 非营利组织, government relations
    • 托马斯•史密斯, DNP, MA Administration, BSN(护理, 政府, 管理, 金融) 40 years of real-world experience in nursing, 管理/政府, and hospital 政府
    • 杰森·威廉, 博士学位, 工商管理硕士(管理, 领导, Finance) 25 years of real-world experience in banking, 金融, 人力资源, 管理, 和市场营销
  • Key Benefits of the WVWC EMBA
    1. 灵活性:我们的EMBA课程的结构,以适应工作的专业人士繁忙的日程安排. With the exception of two short in-person residencies, classes are fully online allowing participants to balance work, 研究, and personal commitments effectively.
    2. 实践相关性:课程精心设计,以结合当今动态商业环境中高管面临的现实挑战和机遇. Participants engage in case studies, 模拟, and projects that directly apply to their professional roles, ensuring immediate applicability of learning.
    3. Experienced Faculty: Our 教师 members are accomplished academics, 行业专家, 以及经验丰富的从业者,他们为课堂带来了丰富的知识和实践见解. They foster interactive discussions, encourage critical thinking, 并提供指导,帮助参与者应对复杂的业务场景.
    4. 同侪学习:参与者受益于来自不同行业的经验丰富的专业人士, 背景, and functional areas. Collaborative learning experiences enable them to exchange ideas, 视角, and best practices, fostering a rich and dynamic learning environment.
    5. Global Perspective: In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding global business dynamics is paramount. Our EMBA program incorporates 视角, business practices, and expectations of various cultures from around the world.
    6. 领导力发展:培养有效的领导技能是我们EMBA课程的核心重点. Through personalized coaching, leadership assessments, and experiential learning opportunities, participants enhance their ability to lead teams, drive organizational change, and navigate complex leadership 挑战.
    7. 交流机会:该项目提供了与行业领导者交流的机会, 校友, 专业人士通过两个必要的住院医师在项目的开始和结束时策略性地安排.   建立一个强大的专业网络对于职业发展和商业机会是无价的.
    8. 顶点项目:学员以顶点项目结束他们的EMBA之旅, 他们如何运用所学的知识和技能来应对组织或行业内的真正商业挑战或机遇. 这个项目是他们学习的一个有形的展示,并有助于立即产生业务影响.

    By combining academic rigor with practical relevance, 我们的行政工商管理硕士课程授权工作的专业人士加速他们的职业发展, seize new opportunities, 并为他们的组织和社区做出有意义的贡献.


西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院EMBA (EMBA)课程是专门为那些渴望提升自己的职业生涯,同时继续在目前的角色中脱颖而出的专业人士量身定制的. 该项目旨在提供一个全面而灵活的学习体验,使参与者能够提高他们的领导技能, expand their business acumen, 在不打断他们的职业承诺的情况下,培养他们的全球视野.

Apply for the EMBA Now!