The Department of 社会科学 prepares students for careers in the law, 政治, 公共管理, 刑事司法系统, 人类服务, 社会工作, 激进主义, 非营利组织和社会研究.

该系开设刑事司法专业, 性别研究, 政治科学, 社会学与社会正义. 学生 planning to pursue law school can minor in our legal studies program.

Our programs prioritize a hands-on, experimental learning approach. Our graduates are prepared for professional careers and graduate school through internships, 服务学习, 出国留学, 全球课堂和研究.

  • 教师

    Dr. Molly Clever, Associate Professor of 社会学 and 公共服务

    Coty Martin, Assistant Professor of 政治科学 and 公共服务


    Dr. 克雷格年代. Wiernik, Assistant Professor of 社会学 and 刑事司法


  • 专业
    • 刑事司法- B.A.


      • 展示该领域核心概念的知识, 包括:司法系统的结构和运作, 犯罪及其定义, 惩罚哲学, 正义, 和异常, and how to 评价研究成果 and apply research methods that demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills and information literacy.
      • Recognize and apply theory and practice through participation in research, 服务学习, 出国留学, 公民参与, 和/或实习.
      • Identify and explain the role and limitations of each component of the system.
      • Analyze the functions and impacts of social inequalities and power on the functioning of the 正义 system and the content of law.
    • 政治学- B.A.


      • 学生将阐明中心概念, 原则, 以及政治行为模式, 评价研究成果, and apply research methods that demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills.
      • 学生 will critically analyze and communicate the impact of relevant local, 国家, 以及国际政治力量对个人的影响, 社会, 经济和全球结构.
      • 学生 will demonstrate knowledge of 政治科学 through participation in research, 服务学习, 出国留学, 公民参与, 和/或实习.


      学生 who are also interested in pursuing law school are encouraged to declare a legal studies minor and speak with Dr. 科蒂·马丁,协调员. Information about the legal studies minor can be found under 社会科学 – 未成年人. 

    • 公务员- B.A.

      公共服务 is an interdisciplinary major that promotes 公民参与, 公共领导, and community empowerment through a framework of social 正义 and ethical decision-making. 学生学习批判性思维, 实证分析, and program implementation and evaluation skills in order to serve diverse communities at the local, 国家, 以及全球层面.

      A major in 公共服务 prepares students for leadership careers in government, 非政府组织, 非营利组织, 教育, 公共政策, 以及社会倡导. 虽然实习不是必需的, students are encouraged to pursue internship opportunities and may substitute internship credits for specific course requirements with the permission of and in consultation with the course instructor and the department chair.

      学生 majoring in 公共服务 must choose a concentration in either Public Administration or Community Engagement.


      1. Identify and explain the 原则 of ethical leadership, civic responsibility, and social 正义.

      2. Analyze the impacts of 公共政策 across a variety of social contexts and groups.

      3. Use empirical evidence to formulate strategies of effective social change within complex social systems.

      4. Demonstrate ethical approaches to problem-solving that address specific social harms within local, 国家, 以及国际社会.

    • 社会学- B.A.


      • 学生 will demonstrate knowledge of the core 原则 in the field, 包括:对社会结构的熟悉程度, 文化, 社会制度, 理论和主要理论范式.
      • 学生 will be able to apply the sociological imagination in analyzing 文化, 不平等, 组织, 和机构(包括家庭), 教育, 还有经济), which facilitates cultural relativism and an acceptance of diversity.
      • 学生 will understand social stratification and the difficulties that minority groups encounter, 并对全球社会的社会问题有一定的认识.
      • 学生 will demonstrate effective writing and oral communication skills, 包括对研究过程的理解, and demonstrate knowledge necessary for advanced studies or a career.
    • 性别研究- B.A.

      A study of gender as one of the primary categories through which social relationships are organized reveals the political functioning of relations of power and the ways in which individuals negotiate those relationships within their specific contextual locations. Gender Studies recognizes the capacity for knowledge production to be transformative in the functioning of both daily lives and institutional practices.

      Our Gender Studies program includes a curriculum built from courses across a range of disciplines. This equips students to analyze systems of power using an intersectional approach through the experiences of gender, 比赛, class, 性, 能力, 和宗教.

      学生 have formally represented the college at regional research conferences, 并成功地继续攻读加拿大28网址. 性别研究课程着重于事件, 运动, 人, and 政治 both historical and contemporary; irreverent and sacred; creative and practical; canonical and obscure. 除了, Gender Studies students have been instrumental in establishing and sustaining campus 组织s that support the theoretical work they do in the classroom.

  • 未成年人
    • 刑事司法


      • 展示该领域核心概念的知识, 包括:司法系统的结构和运作, 犯罪及其定义, 惩罚哲学, 正义, 和异常, and how to 评价研究成果 and apply research methods that demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills and information literacy.
      • Recognize and apply theory and practice through participation in research, 服务学习, 出国留学, 公民参与, 和/或实习.
      • Identify and explain the role and limitations of each component of the system.
      • Analyze the functions and impacts of social inequalities and power on the functioning of the 正义 system and the content of law.
    • 政治科学


      • 学生将阐明中心概念, 原则, 以及政治行为模式, 评价研究成果, and apply research methods that demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills.
      • 学生 will critically analyze and communicate the impact of relevant local, 国家, 以及国际政治力量对个人的影响, 社会, 经济和全球结构.
      • 学生 will demonstrate knowledge of 政治科学 through participation in research, 服务学习, 出国留学, 公民参与, 和/或实习.
    • 公共服务

      公共服务 is an interdisciplinary major that promotes 公民参与, 公共领导, and community empowerment through a framework of social 正义 and ethical decision-making. 学生学习批判性思维, 实证分析, and program implementation and evaluation skills in order to serve diverse communities at the local, 国家, 以及全球层面.

      A major in 公共服务 prepares students for leadership careers in government, 非政府组织, 非营利组织, 教育, 公共政策, 以及社会倡导. 虽然实习不是必需的, students are encouraged to pursue internship opportunities and may substitute internship credits for specific course requirements with the permission of and in consultation with the course instructor and the department chair.

      学生 majoring in 公共服务 must choose a concentration in either Public Administration or Community Engagement.


      1. Identify and explain the 原则 of ethical leadership, civic responsibility, and social 正义.

      2. Analyze the impacts of 公共政策 across a variety of social contexts and groups.

      3. Use empirical evidence to formulate strategies of effective social change within complex social systems.

      4. Demonstrate ethical approaches to problem-solving that address specific social harms within local, 国家, 以及国际社会.

    • 社会学


      • 学生 will demonstrate knowledge of the core 原则 in the field, 包括:对社会结构的熟悉程度, 文化, 社会制度, 理论和主要理论范式.
      • 学生 will be able to apply the sociological imagination in analyzing 文化, 不平等, 组织, 和机构(包括家庭), 教育, 还有经济), which facilitates cultural relativism and an acceptance of diversity.
      • 学生 will understand social stratification and the difficulties that minority groups encounter, 并对全球社会的社会问题有一定的认识.
      • 学生 will demonstrate effective writing and oral communication skills, 包括对研究过程的理解, and demonstrate knowledge necessary for advanced studies or a career.
    • 法律研究


      Recently 西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan established a 法律研究 minor to serve as a pre-law program in their preparations to applying to and attending law school. Dr. 马丁(马丁 currently serves as the program coordinator and works with faculty in several departments to offer students a diverse set of courses across the 社会科学, 业务, 历史, 通信, 以及加拿大28网址的英语系. Dr. Martin also coordinates a series of events each semester to offer students the opportunity to interact with Wesleyan alumni in the field of law, 那些在公共和私人实践和职位工作的人, 与法学院的学生一起举办LSAT研讨会, and law-related movie nights (from A Time to Kill to My Cousin Vinny). 有关必修课程的资料如下:



      • BUSI 250:商业法律环境
      • pol 215:宪法
      • CJUS 260:刑法 & 程序
      • pol 348:国际法 & 人权或历史360:美国法律史 


      • COMM 226:论证与证据
      • 经济学331:国际经济学
      • 经济学333:环境经济学 
      • 经济学361:公共部门经济学
      • 任何300级英语文学课程 


      • HIST 252:美国的女权运动
      • 历史269:非裔美国人历史 
      • HIST 360:美国法律史 
      • HIST 345:美国历史上的性 
      • pol 265:国际组织
      • pol 328:环境法 & 政治